: kvkcuttack@gmail.com
: 8763671060



Crop/CategoryName of the technology demonstratedNo. of Farmer Area (ha)/No. of Units
GroundnutINM in Groundnut for higher productivity.5020
Black gramIPU 2-43 , PU-30 seed , seed treatment & Plant protection chemicals5210
BrinjalINM in Brinjal105
BroccoliBroccoli cultivation: high value vegetable crop for diversification101
Pro trayPlug tray technology: Improved method of nursery raising1010units
Red cabbageDemonstration on Red cabbage: a crop for more qualitative attributes101
RiceNeed based N application will reduce N loss and increase efficiency (NRRI, Cuttack-2010)132
Green gramUse of NPK-Seed treatment with Rhizobium culture (@200 g/kg seed), 20:40:20 and B application (@1 kg B/ha) (OUAT)133
CauliflowerAzotobacter + PSB (1:1) @ 5 kg/ha mixed with FYM (1:25) under shade at 30% moisture for 7 days & applied at the time of planting132
RiceCR Dhan 101 of 110 days duration31ac
RiceCR Dhan 206 of 115 days duration51.5
RiceCR Dhan 209 of 110 days duration31ac
RiceCR Dhan 210 of 110-115 days duration31ac
Green gramShort duration pulse variety Virat134 ha
PoultryDemonstration on backyard poultry rearing4020
DuckeryDemonstration on rearing improved duck breeds in backyard system2020
AzollaAzolla cultivation for feeding milch cows2020
Hybrid NapierDemonstration of Hybrid Napier fodder for dairy cows2020
Oyster mushroomEnterprise development10100
Nutrition GardenNutritional security10640m2(5units)
PulsesValue addition1050